Tee Salon is a thoughtful laboratory and a creative playspace with roots in our beloved Copenhagen but with all the windows wide open to the world.
Our ambition is to present a hero every third month. Our goal is to inspire Copenhagen with a thoughtful quote on a T-shirt and hosting an event with a panel diving into the universe of our hero.

Tee Salon #1 Allan Ginsberg.
Tee Salon #2 Astrid Lindgren.
Tee Salon 3# Jane Jacobs.
Tee Salon 4# Martha Graham.
Tee Salon 5# Vivienne Westwood.
Tee Salon 6# will be held November 16th 2023.
The talk will be held at Kunstforeningen GL STRAND in Copenhagen
Tee Salon is a co-lab of sur le chemin, All The Way To Paris, Fallucka, Forlaget Ti Vilde Heste, GL STRAND, Rasmus Sigvaldi and Uffe Elbæk.
Photos by Rasmus Sigvaldi.